Invisalign Specialist in Coppel, TX

You have probably already heard of Invisalign invisible braces. If not, Invisalign may be a welcome revelation to you. Many people need orthodontic treatment but are afraid of traditional braces because of horror stories, discomfort, inconvenience, and embarrassment.


For the last 20 years, Invisalign had produced and advanced a viable option to traditional wire braces, and people are loving them. The Invisalign treatment involves digitally mapping your current smile and to develop a new digital map of how you want your smile to develop.


A set of clear plastic trays are then created that are worn sequentially. These trays quickly and comfortably adjust your teeth and guide them to the desired position. That’s it. No wires, no metal brackets.

With clear aligner trays, people don’t often notice your braces unless they are already aware that you are wearing them. Usually, patients can have straight teeth within six months, and your teeth can be transformed into the smile you have always wanted, without the inconvenience that comes with traditional braces.

Should I get Invisalign?


Young professionals and more mature people absolutely love that they can finally achieve the straight smile they always dreamed about but delayed due to financial or other reasons. Many of our patients are thrilled when they find out more about Invisalign and that they may be a suitable candidate for clear braces.

Local Coppell Invisalign specialist Dr. Brady Camp and our staff at Magnolia Park Dental are skilled at guiding you through the treatment process. We make sure you are set up for success by studying your unique situation and customizing the Invisalign treatment to you. When you receive your Invisalign treatment from Magnolia Park Dental, not only do you receive one of the finest orthodontic solutions available, but you receive top quality dental care to ensure the success of the treatment.


If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign clear braces, please feel free to call us at (972) 573-4600. Schedule a visit today to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign and find out just how affordable and fantastic the Invisalign option is.


Video Transcript

Why choose Invisalign over other aligners? Are they comfortable and safe to wear? I asked her doctor for a better alternative to braces and he said only Invisalign aligners are made with smart track technology based on years of research. It moves teeth more comfortably and predictably than ordinary aligners, and in many cases it works faster than braces, so I can develop a custom treatment plan that will work for each of these smiles. That’s why invisalign aligners have transformed millions of smiles. Invisalign, transforming smiles, changing lives.

Frequently asked questions

The Invisalign treatment system is an effective solution for adults and teens who are seeking a method for improving their smile in a virtually invisible manner. Invisalign’s technology and innovative treatment system make it possible to treat almost all common teeth-straightening and bite issues, whether simple or more complex. Invisalign will provide amazing results without interrupting your busy lifestyle. And because Invisalign aligners have a discreet blue dot on the outside of each aligner, parents can make sure their teens are wearing their aligners for the recommended hours every day.

Since Invisalign was introduced to the public, over 15 million people have had their smiles transformed by this innovative treatment. This number includes over four million teenagers. Invisalign sets itself apart from other clear aligner treatments thanks to its patented SmartTrack material used to make the aligners. Your teeth will be moved in a comfortable manner that is easy to predict and track. All aligners and retainers offered by Invisalign are made of medical-grade thermoplastic polymers. These materials were chosen for their safety and because they are FDA-approved.

One reason why Invisalign is so popular is how little it affects how you go about your daily life. Because your aligners will be virtually invisible, nobody will know that you are wearing them. Your aligners fit seamlessly. You will not have to worry about any dietary restrictions because it is easy to remove your aligners when eating and drinking. Just ensure you wear your aligners for the recommended 22 hours a day. Finally, because your Invisalign aligners will shift your teeth using a gentle yet consistent force, you should never be in pain during the treatment. Some individuals report temporary discomfort when first wearing a new aligner, but it is often described as a feeling of pressure rather than pain.

The recommended and best method for keeping your Invisalign aligners clean is to brush and rinse them in room temperature or lukewarm water using formulated Invisalign cleaning crystals. Brushing your teeth following each meal before putting your aligners back in place is important to maintain good oral hygiene. If you allow food residues, such as blueberries or red pasta sauce, to remain in your mouth, your aligners could become stained. If your Invisalign aligner ever breaks or you lose one, immediately let us know so we can take action. It may be recommended that you wear your previous aligner set until we can get your current aligner replaced.

While every case is different, wearing a retainer following your Invisalign treatment is often recommended. This will prevent your teeth from gradually drifting back to their original position prior to your Invisalign treatment. If a retainer is recommended, you will talk with our team about what type will be used and how often you need to wear it. If you ever lose or break your retainer, simply contact our team to discuss replacing the lost or broken retainer.
