Sleep apnea treatment solutions with a dentist in your area
Snoring isn’t just a minor irritation or a source of household humor. Have you ever considered that it could signify a serious health condition? Current research indicates a strong correlation between severe snoring and a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. When you visit our dental team at Magnolia Park Dental of Coppell, Texas, and report snoring, you should be evaluated for obstructive sleep apnea and other conditions that can contribute. But what is obstructive sleep apnea? Below are some frequently asked questions about this condition and the solutions available to alleviate sleep apnea.
What is obstructive sleep apnea?
Apnea, derived from a term meaning “without breath,” suggests that individuals with sleep apnea experience moments of not breathing while they sleep. Sounds alarming? Absolutely, because it is definitely a reason for concern! Sleep apnea doesn’t just drain your energy, but it can also disrupt your brain and heart functions.
What are the risks associated with obstructive sleep apnea?
As troubling as it seems, the temporary absence of breath can lead to short-term and potentially long-term damage and health concerns. Oxygen deprivation harms your brain, while those disturbed, sleepless nights can throw off your daily routines. This often leaves patients feeling fatigued, functioning below par, and struggling to think or process effectively.

How is obstructive sleep apnea diagnosed?
It is critical that you diagnose and address obstructive sleep apnea before it leads to more severe complications. Depending on the type of sleep apnea you are dealing with, Dr. Brady Camp and his team at Magnolia Park Dental can provide a personalized solution for you. A simple oral device could be just what you need to breathe freely during sleep. This device is worn while sleeping to maintain open airways all night. It is often recommended over CPAP machines, which can be uncomfortable and difficult to travel with.
While some forms of sleep apnea may require different specialized treatments, many of our patients at Magnolia Park Dental have found relief through simple oral devices. Rely on the expertise and experience of Dr. Brady Camp and his team to provide a reliable solution to your problem that is appropriate for your unique health and dental needs.
Who can I call to talk about the potential for an obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis?
Start with a phone call to our team at Magnolia Park Dental to share your situation with us. If you have been diagnosed with this condition or suspect you have it and need clarification, call us today to request an appointment. Plan your visit by dialing (972) 573-4600 to meet Dr. Brady Camp and learn more about his obstructive sleep apnea treatment with oral appliances. Our office is conveniently located at 225 East Highway 121, Suite #140, in Coppell, Texas, and is open to new and returning patients from in and around the city.