Dental Technology

Magnolia Park Dental takes great pride in providing our patients with access to the latest in dental technology. You deserve the very highest quality and most comfortable treatment possible, and our technology is a vital component of the excellent care we offer!


In modern-day dentistry, we still need to make models of your teeth in order to produce dental restorations that fit properly and look great. However, we no longer have to do that by means of a physical mold.

By using our state-of-the-art iTero scanner, we are able to take digital measurements of your entire mouth, and we can do it with much more accuracy than a bite mold. 

These measurements load directly into the modeling software we use, so we can instantly see the structure of your mouth and begin the design process for your veneers, crown, bridge, Invisalign® clear aligners, or dentures.


X-rays have been a staple in dentistry for over a hundred years, and our methods of taking them improve constantly. The latest iteration is the digital x-ray.

Making x-rays digital comes with a whole host of great benefits. Digital x-rays are:

Faster – There is no need to send negatives off to a lab or wait for results. We can see the results of the scan almost instantly.

Easier – With no paper images or film, we don’t need physical storage space, and transferring the information to another location only takes the click of a mouse.

Safer – Digital x-rays use less radiation to get an image that is every bit as high-quality as a traditional film image.


Intraoral cameras are a valuable addition to our office. They allow us to be much more detailed with our dental care, and with them, we can see the inner surfaces of your mouth and teeth at greater magnification than is possible with the naked eye.

We use them in a number of different ways, including:

  • To check more closely for cavities or infection.
  • To get a view at angles that are otherwise difficult.
  • To make sure that restorations are correctly placed.
  • To check for other oral issues that might be hard to see.


Whatever your dental needs, we’re here for you. Let us here at Magnolia Park Dental become your new dental family. For an appointment, contact us today at (972) 573-4600.
